
Traxeed Under the Traxeed brand, Medipak Systems bundles the Track & Trace activities of its companies Seidenader Maschinenbau and Systec & Services. They are partner for complete pharma serialization solutions from level 1 to level 5 – from serialization and aggregation machines to software and implementation at all levels and from a single source. Traxeed is part of Medipak Systems, the Business Area Pharma Systems of the international Körber technology group. Körber unites around 11,000 professionals in industry-leading companies worldwide, achieving annual earnings of 2.6 billion Euros. Werum IT Solutions Werum IT Solutions is the internationally leading supplier of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing IT solutions for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical indus¬tries. Its out-of-the-box PAS-X software product is run by the majority of the world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech companies but also by many mid-sized manufacturers. Werum provides integrated IT solutions for all phases of production – including process development, commercial production, and packaging as well as track & trace serialization. PAS-X MES helps pharma manufacturers to increase efficiency, im¬prove productivity, and meet regulatory require¬ments.  The company is headquartered in Lüneburg, Germany, and has many locations in Europe, America, and Asia. Werum is part of Medipak Systems, the Pharma Systems business area of the international technology group Körber. Körber unites around 11,000 professionals in industry-leading companies worldwide, achieving annual earnings of 2.6 billion Euros.