Solution Study
Monday, September 22
03:10 PM - 03:50 PM
Live in Berlin
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It’s often said ‘The ‘right’ people are the most important asset of an organization’. Although in my 20+ years of experience in asset management I haven’t seen a lot of people (culture change) topics in Maintenance Excellence exercises. If the human factor was included it mostly handled about topics like Competence Matrixes, leadership trainings, personal skills improvement (overall trainings, planning, work preparation eso).
If we want to be successful in optimizing our maintenance activities we do not only need to use state of the art maintenance and management tools but also make use of the knowledge our people.
There are two statements that’s illustrates that
If you want to change you always need to take into account that in the mind of the people involved the following question appears ‘What’s in it for me’ (Jack Welsh)
Secondly Peter Drucker ones said ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’.
So if you want to be success full in any project a big part of the project itself handles about culture change and people engagement.
In the first part of my presentation I would like to explain how I handle this. What are the mechanisms and tools behind this model and show some success stories in various industries. In the second part of my presentation I talk about the glue between Maintenance & Engineering (projects) iow what’s the missing link between Maintenance and Engineering. =-> Reliability
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